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How to View Your Ads
We are frequently asked by our clients to determine why they can’t see themselves positioned on the Google search
results page. Despite our automated bidding system, which,
on average, positions your ads on the first page, many of our customers
have difficulty seeing their ads. This can happen when you frequently search to determine your position using a
standard browser (see explanation below).
Google’s latest search algorithms now adapt to each individual user’s activity. If you search to see your online ads
over and over, without clicking on the ads, Google will show you different ads, since the ads you viewed multiple times
did not produce any results (clicks). If you click your ads more than once, Google will determine this to be click
fraud and won’t show these ads to you any more, or they will display the ads on successive pages. In both cases,
checking your ads by viewing or viewing and clicking in a standard search results page, will result in displays that
are not truly what the average user sees. You will not see an accurate representation of your ad position. This will
also have a side effect of reducing your ads quality scores and consequently lowering the position of your ads on the
page. Please DO NOT view your ads without using the Google Ad Preview Tool.
The only way to accurately view your ads is to use the Google Ad Preview Tool (please click the link below).
Google Ad Preview Tool (this link is also available
on the footer of each page of this website)
When using the Google Ad Preview Tool, start by selecting state and, if available, the city or metro area, if it
applies. Then query your business using keywords that describe your business. Local searches typically contain the
keyword followed by the city or keyword followed by the city and state , i.e. plumber in Costa Mesa or plumber in
Costa Mesa, CA (Over 90% of all users searching on Google make local searches this way.) If you can set the Ad
Preview Tool properly on your city or metropolitan area you can also check by running a search on the keyword only.
The Ad Preview Tool often doesn’t allow selection of your specific city or metro area. In this case, just set the
state and search using the keyword and city or keyword and the city and state.
If you have any problems viewing your ads, please call our support department at (877) 628-7042 or email us at